Programs / Travel
The U8 through U18 travel program consists of gender-specific recreational teams that play against other PA West recreational teams (U8 is coed, and 11v11 teams may be coed if that's what gets the most players out on the field). Players are welcome to join at any ability level. This instructional league has both fall and spring sessions each of which typically include four home and four away games. In addition, some teams occasionally participate in tournaments during the off-season.
U8 - U10 games are on Saturdays and U11 - U18 games are on Sundays. Practice is typically one or two nights during the week. Home games and practices are generally at Creekside field in Oakmont or McKinley Field in Verona.
U8 plays 5v5 including a goalie.
U9 and U10 play 7v7 including a goalie.
U11-U12 play 9v9 including a goalie.
U13-U18 plays 11v11 including a goalie.
The Twin Boro Soccer Club (TBSC) Board assigns players to teams based upon age and the number of eligible players in each age group. Players are required to play on the team which they are assigned. Players receive two jerseys as part of their registration, and must purchase soccer cleats, black shorts, black soccer socks and shin guards separately.